Why would a Christian girl accept Islam?

What is it that made a Christian girl choose this path and abandon one that her family followed for so many years? 


I grew up in a loving Protestant Christian family, I didn’t know any other way than just living my life as a Protestant Christian. I went to church every Sunday and as a child I also prayed before sleep. I attended the Sunday classes at church. I used to Believe Jesus AS is God and all other religions are fake.. I was growing up like this, worshiping Jesus until the age of 16. At the age of 17 I joined College for my graduation. And slowly I lost interest in praying, going to church, reading Bible etc. After a few years  I completed my graduation and was waiting for my ceremony. 


One of my friends shared a video of Dr Zakir Naik which popped up my mobile screen. And the title of the video was "A Christian Lady Accepts Islam" I started to watch that 30 minute video with frustration and hate. In that video Dr Zakir Naik said that Jesus is not a God but a Messenger of God and he gave many biblical references. I ran to my shelf and picked up my Bible and started to search those references. What he said  was true. I was mesmerized and at this point of my life I had huge Interest in learning more about Islam. So I bought a Qur'an from my friend. I didn't know that Arabic starts from the right side so I was thinking that the last page of the  Qur'an was the first page. I opened the last part of my Qur'an and read Surah Al Ikhlas. Where Allah SWT says about himself. 


Say, "He is Allah, who is One,

Allah, the Eternal Refuge 

He neither begets nor is born,

Nor is there to Him any equivalent." 


He neither begets nor is born.. this verse hit me a lot.. how could God take birth in the earth ? How could a Creator become a creation Subhan Allah... I thought I was doing a huge mistake by neglecting my Creator and worships to the person whom Allah sent as a messenger.. but still it aches my heart every time when I see the disbelievers. I feel like I want to make Dawah to them.


The Qur'anic science inspired me a lot to ponder over the creations of Allah. There many evidences in the Qur'an about science. I found many scientific facts which was found recently using modern equipment and technology but how could the Qur'an say those before 1400 years ago ? Imagine how could a Person who doesn't know to read or write to say those things about Science ? So I accepted that Islam is the Religion of truth, Islam is the straight path.. I have read almost all scientific facts which made me speechless, at this point of my life I decided to be a Muslim and I went to the Islamic College the next day. And I said the Shahadah. The Feeling when I uttered those words.. Subhan Allah I couldn't express how I felt while reciting the Kalima


As a Christian I was taught to take everything I was told to be the truth. I was never encouraged to investigate and search for the truth. In Islam, we are told to make certain that what someone, even an Imam, tell us something pertaining to our religion That it is correct. We are encouraged to read it for ourselves either in the Qur'an or in a Hadith. 


- Sister Zairah


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